Monday, March 9, 2009

Yeshua Speaks: A Blending of World Religions

"...There is always a great deal that is occurring upon the earth. There are shifts that take place as a result of the planets and stars within your galaxy or universe. There are shifts that take place upon the earth because each one of you is open and willing to create a change within yourself. There are shifts that take place upon the earth due to the natural occurrences such as earthquakes, storms, sometimes the rains or flooding, there may be volcanic eruptions, there is always something happening and it is the earth adjusting to the energies within it, on top of it, and around it.
For those of you upon the earth who follow the Christian religion; today in the physical plane is known as Easter; the day in which Yeshua or Jesus as he is so well known, rose from the dead. He is going to come forth and speak with you in just a moment. I wish to say first of all that yes, it was extremely important to show that people never die, to show that you can live again.
The time is coming when more and more people will begin to understand all of this and all that is occurring from a new perspective. That time upon the earth, (when Jesus walked the earth) was a time in which there was a great deal of heavy energies ready to be transformed. So with that, allow yourself to move to that space and time. Your intention alone will take you there. Feel the heaviness, feel the pressure, and much of this was the reason why he chose to have that life and that experience upon the earth.
As you return to the time in which you currently reside, you already know that the energies are not nearly as dense. When Yeshua walked the earth, he opened up a portal or doorway to allow the light the come in. Look at each one of you and what are you doing upon the earth? Each one of you is opening a door or a portal to allow the light to come in.
With that I step aside and I allow Yeshua, Jesus, Sananda, Melchezidek; this one soul essence has many different names associated with him. Each of you will feel the vibration of that with which you vibrate best.
Yeshua Speaks:
Greetings family! I walk in to be in this space with you with my heart opened wide, filled with joy; filled with energies. I am not here alone, but I am able to be the spokes person. I have standing around me Muhammad, Krishna, Abrahim, and many others who have been so pivotal in the various world religions. Religion was developed for a reason. It was developed because people were seeking. What each of you is seeking within your life is not new. People have been seeking inner wisdom and peace in one form or another throughout the centuries. Whatever religion they felt in alignment with; they would follow that religion. Some of you have tried every single one the world religions over your many different lifetimes. You the lightworkers are always the questioners, the seekers. You always want to learn and to know more.
So I stand here before you with all of these other religions standing here with me. We come as a group to say that we are all aligned with each other. We are all aligned with the quantum shift that is taking place upon the earth. We are all aligned with whatever it takes for each of you to find what you are seeking to have within your life. It will be awhile upon the earth with your linear years; but the time for organized religion is shifting.
There are still many who find a peace and a contentment within the ritual. Of course to each of them or you, we honor you for that is your path. There will be many more over the years to come who will begin to seek the answers within themselves. They will know that they can connect with each one of us whenever they so desire. Therefore, this expansion of consciousness is a part of what you are doing right now.
Many of you walked with me when I walked upon the earth. Many of you supported me. Many of you followed in the years to come and supported me in whatever way you could at that time. One blend from all of these various religions is that of seeking outside of yourself for the answers; of asking God to give you the answers, of asking Jesus, myself, to transform your sins. Of course any of us are happy to do whatever we can for you. But you know that truly each of you as your soul essence is able to make the changes and the shifts for yourself.
It needs to come from within you and it needs to be for you. We are there to love you. To flow the energy of potentials to you. YES, you each feel it, you resonate with that and you know that you are immense, that you have a multitude of potentials. So I ask you to feel a connection not only to me, but to this entire group. Open to connect with each of us one by one if you so desire or the group as a blended energy. What you are doing as you create this connection to us at this time is simply amplifying what is already there. Enhancing a connection that you have had from the beginning of time.
We assist you in releasing any barriers, letting go of the veil, so that you may truly know that you are not alone. Taking that one step beyond is for you to know that you are creating your life. As you create you can step into any potential.
Beloved family, feel the new energy or the new generation of energy that is coming your way. Feel what it is to link with the energies of some of these other religions that you may not be as familiar with. You are familiar with them at a soul level, but let your consciousness, your human aspect feel it at this level at this time. Let it be a part of your day.
Some of you may feel as if my energy is different. Some of you who have been so close to Yeshua may say that it doesn’t feel the same. Let yourself release any previous experience. Let yourself accept me as I am right now! All that is occurring upon the earth we knew was going to happen.
The only thing that was unsure was the exact timing of it. There was much during my life when I walked upon the earth that was a struggle. There was much that I had to force. The death of that physical body was with a great deal of pain. Consider your life that you are living right now. Are there aspects you feel you need to force? Are there experiences of excruciating pain? Is there a feeling of alienation? Perhaps this is not you right now, but I would imagine at one time or another within your life this is who and what you were.
I went through that life and that experience in the way that I created and that I chose. Each of you may stay in the space that you are because on one level or another, you choose that. But let me say when all who are present and witness to this, it does not have to be that way. Once I moved beyond that life upon the earth and I had the perspective of detachment, I realized that I did not have to it so hard. I did not have to make it such a challenge for myself. But that is what I did and that is what it was.
So for each of you my dearly beloved family, don’t let yourself go further. Let go the pain, let go the struggle, let go the suffering. I ask you each to please consider doing this while you are still in physical body, so that you may move forward in a life that is filled with love, with adventures, may it be filled with passion, and let there be an ease so that you feel the flow of energy around you. You know and trust yourself so that you may believe that the earth can be a place of joy and fun. I send that out to each of you. I hope that you will accept.
No matter what you choose to do within this life, I LOVE YOU!!! No mater how you think, I LOVE YOU! As I have been speaking with you, more and more energies of light have come in to fill this area. Look around you and know that you are not alone. Look around you and sense the energy of who is sharing space with you. We who speak as a collective group send forth our love. We send forth our embrace. We are ever present for you.
You may choose to look at each one of us in the way in which you always have. You may see the Buddha as he represents a type of peace. You may see the other leaders, if you wish to call them that, as they seek to ask each person to honor God, Allah. You may choose to do that several times during the day, you may choose to honor the God within the animals, as much as the people. The traditions that have brought you to where you are right now have all been there for a purpose. They were created by you or other soul energies as was needed throughout the years.
You are moving into a time where you consciously release duality. An aspect that goes along with this is that there is no right or wrong. If you follow these beliefs that are so much a part of who you are and if it continues to bring you comfort, by all means do so. The difference though is expanding your awareness. Expand so that you know that there are many different ways to express your connection to spirit. Release any dogma that is holding you back. Open to your truth which is within. Honor every other human who is walking the earth. They are each upon their path just as you are upon yours.
As I stand here before you, I look at each one of you. I send forth my love and connection. I can feel each one of you. I am going to release this space so that the Goddess of Creation will return. I am thankful that I have had this opportunity to be able to represent this group of energies. It is very easy for me to walk through these energies at this time because with the celebration of the Easter, it brings to the forefront the energy and vibration of Jesus. Through this communication and through this experience, I am opening to shift the vibration and shift the connection with all who have linked with me today. I know that each one of you is doing the same. Those of you who come to the forefront know that everything you do for yourself assists everyone else. But you also have a desire and an interest in connecting with each other and all the others who are upon the earth.
I bow to you; I acknowledge who you are and what you are doing. I thank you for this opportunity.
(Fraction of a Shelly Dressel's channeling of the Goddess of Creation on April 16th 2006. All rights are reserved).

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