Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Manifesting in the New Energy (Shelly Dressel)

March 1, 2009

Manifesting In the New Energy

Nama sika; venia benya

I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you my beloved family!

As I come into the space in which you are gathered I send out my energy of love, of acceptance, of awareness.  I send it out to each one of you.  You are beloved to me; you are precious to me.  Whenever you make the intention to reach out and link with me, I am there for you. 

I am there with unconditional love; I am there with acceptance and awareness.  I see you and I know that you are the essence of divinity.  I know that you are aligned with your own divinity and it does flow through you.

Take a deep breath in with the intention of reaching out and linking; feeling your divinity, feeling your essence as it flows, swirling through you, moving through you.  Yes, you may feel my energies but the predominant energy that is moving through you is your own divinity.  Breathe it in.  Accept it; allow yourself to truly know that you are so divine.

There is much happening upon the earth.  The transition of energies is in full swing.  There's been a great deal of transformation that we have spoken of for the last several years.  There have been many landmarks that we have passed.  The consciousness of the earth is reflecting this on the many different levels.  Some of you who have been a part of this process from the very beginning can fully acknowledge where you were and where you have come. 

Others of you may begin to look around you and recognise something's going on; something is happening.  So no matter where you are within the process it is where you are at this moment.  Allow these energies to flow through you and around you and seek to find a balance or an alignment so that you may be in the flow of this process and therefore truly reaping the benefits of all that you have sought to have within your life.

A part of the earth experience is living with gravity, living with all these varying emotions, living with people that have tremendously wide variances in personality, emotions, their choices of what they want in their life.  Perhaps a simpler way to call this is the free will of being on the earth.  Part of the result of that is that sometimes you find yourself feeling adrift; feeling as if you are being battered or bounced around. 

What I seek for you is to be able to understand your own alignment with your divinity so that you may more fully be balanced within who you are.  Indeed you have relationships with many other people; indeed you live with people who have many varied ideas from your own.  But it all comes down to you and your relationship within yourself. 

You cannot live your life through somebody else or somebody else's experiences.  You may only live your life through yourself and through your own experiences.  So as you look around you, as you take in all that is going on, I invite you to remember that you are here first and foremost to experience living upon the earth with the free will and all these varied potentials so that you may have that experience.

Breathe deeply.  Breathe into your heart, supporting your heart, allowing it to be open so that you may feel the flow from within your own essence. 

I now invite you to release the energies of your physical body.  Have a sense of expanding your consciousness so that you may align with the magnetic grid.  As you arrive within this space, immediately your consciousness or your focus moves into the space of your higher self.  As you are taking in everything that's around you, allow your essence to first of all feel how much bigger you are within this space.  You come here on a regular basis; you create relationships with other people from within this space.  But ultimately it is your own.  Feel how comfortable it is for you. 

As you are ready to do so, have a sense of shifting your consciousness.  You may feel as if you are moving through an interlocking gridwork but you move into the crystalline grid.  As you move into this space feel your energies.  You may have a sense of expanding simply by letting go of the gravitational pull of the earth.  You may have a sense of feeling that sparkling energy or essence that is you.  This is you as your consciousness is within this vibration.

I invite you to have a sense of letting that crystalline essence or that crystalline vibration move through you as if it's sparkling or showering you with the energies or the essence of you from your crystalline energies but also this space that is made up by the crystalline vibration or the new energy.  Sometimes we spend more time within this space than others and tonight I would like for you to have a sense of opening your consciousness in such a way that you simply feel, know, sense the energies of this gridwork.

For some of you, you have a visual impact that comes to you and that vision may be filled with colour, with light, perhaps sparkles.  Others have a sense of sound or tones that they resonate with; open to perceive if there are any that you may hear.  Use all of your senses to perceive this space.

I now invite you to think about you as the human being that you are.  As you consider what it feels like to be in your physical body - to be going through your days in the manner in which you do - by bringing that awareness into this space in this manner, let yourself become aware of the aspects of your life that are in the alignment with this crystalline energy.  Let yourself also become aware of the ways in which you are influenced by this energy.

To some of you it may feel as if this is what your divinity feels like.  To others of you it may give you that kind of a zinging or that kind of an essence that just makes you feel good and you don't really know why.  As I describe this and as you spend time here, open your awareness and feel what this place or this essence is to you. 

I now invite you to shift your consciousness into the soul plane.  There is a subtle difference but more and more the soul plane has become immersed within the crystalline grid.  Have a sense of consciously opening to your divinity or to your I Am presence.  As you look deep within - or perhaps you have a sense of it walking towards you - let your consciousness expand further so that you may have a greater understanding or take in more information.

Breathe in, feel yourself, know yourself and understand this is you.  For some of you I have a sense that there's a part of you that's saying ‘oh no, this can't be real' but yes indeed it is.  You always have the ability to come back and link within this core essence that is you. 

I the Goddess now make myself more fully known to you.  As I come into this space, just as you're able to discern greater amounts of your divinity, so too you are able to more greatly discern more of my essence. 

Feel my flow of love, my flow of energy as I come in and embrace you.  As I reach forward, as I merge with your I AM presence and with your consciousness you find yourself shifting into the All That Is.  This is our space of creation.  This is our space of awareness.  Feel it, know it, recognise how familiar it is to you. 

We spoke at the very beginning about you as you are living your life.  My series of intention during the early part of this year has been about assisting you in having a greater understanding of who you are.  When you open and you feel the love of your divinity, it floods through you first and foremost; that sense of love that we worked with on the last journey. 

In another one we spoke of the many ways in which your soul essence has all those various experiences from which you may draw as you are moving through your days.  Again, feeling, looking and knowing within your own self there are limitless supplies of strength and experiences.

Let's speak of where you are right in this moment.  As you are here in the All That Is, most often you feel good; you feel loved, you feel the abundance of energy, you feel the flow and it's very real.  It feels great.  It's how you would like to live your life.  I then hear from you as you're back in your daily life and it feels as if there is no connection between the two.  It feels as if your daily life is a struggle.  You may have pain; you may have worries, whatever it is.  It feels as if the All That Is is but a distant dream. 

In some regards I understand how that is your perception.  But the more that you work with these energies, the more that you create the alignments within yourself, there is an even greater amount of this divinity that is there for you in your daily life.  Sometimes you are seeking to know what it is to live in the other dimensions.  Sometimes these experiences, these alignments that you have created are in the expanded dimensions.  And what may feel as if it's very far away from you is actually but a breath away. 

The more that the crystalline energies are integrated within the earth plane, the easier it will be for you to tap into these experiences and these alignments that you have created in the All That Is.  Indeed that will become easier and easier in the future, but it is already available to you.

I invite you to place yourself at this moment in your imagination.  In the space in which you find yourself, we'll say for the majority of the day or for a good part of the day, consider what you feel at that time - anxiety, frustration, contentment, anger, irritation?  What are the emotions that align with where you are for the majority of your day?

I'm hearing from some of you that it feels as if there's a disconnection, as if you might say a particular emotion but you don't really feel that, or you are saying an emotion that you would like to feel but it does not feel real.  If you feel disconnected then consciously take in a deep breath and as you do so open up your consciousness even further and as you do so let the flow of energy from your divinity move through you.

It washed through your consciousness, it washes through where you are as a human, and it is from your divinity.  And again I ask you what emotions are most predominantly a part of your life?  Ahh, now I am able to see how everyone is aligning with whatever it may be. 

For those of you who are aligning with a sense of joy, excitement, anticipation, I invite you to move even deeper into those energies and look around you to see how from this perspective of the All That Is the many ways in which this will manifest for you.  For those of you who find yourself immersed in energies that are holding you back such as pain, suffering, anger, frustration, fears or something else; now is the opportunity for you to bring that up.

Why is this within your life?  Why has it become the focus of your life?  As you are looking at this and seeing how it all comes forth and how it is all influencing you, take this opportunity and open up a door or a window and let it just flow away.  I understand that in your daily life you're not able to let it flow away as easily as you do here in the All That Is, but for this time, for this moment, let it go.  Give yourself this opportunity to feel something different; to look at other potentials. 

And for those of you who continue to hold onto those energies with both hands; it's okay.  It's obvious that that is all-consuming to you.  Feel the essence of your divinity come around you till you feel as if you have arms that surround you, loving you, hugging, holding you and supporting you. 

No matter what it is, you are not alone.  It's good to see that you allow yourself to relax a little bit.  It may be that you wake up tomorrow, you go about your day and everything is exactly the way it was before we shared this time together, but that is only on the surface.  You are creating new potentials for yourself.

So here's the first potential-- open up your consciousness; allow your energy to be flooded with happiness.  You are just happy for the sake of being happy; no reason, no rhyme.  You don't have to do anything; you don't have to prove anything.  Let yourself bask in what that is.  You may find yourself giggling, maybe laughing out loud.  Has it been a while since you've allowed yourself to be just happy for the sake of being happy?  Oh, let that breathe, let that move through you. And yes, you can be happy.

What about passion?  Has it been a while since you have felt passionate about yourself, about your body?  Have you felt passionate about the choices that you've made in your life, perhaps your work, perhaps your beliefs?  What is it like to allow passion to come in and fill you up in this moment?  Passion has immense energy and movement within it.  This is a passion that is integrated with the crystalline energies and I invite you to become aware that passion is not about you being right and someone else being wrong.

This passion is not about trying to convince anybody else to believe what you want them to believe.  This is the purest passion simply for the sake of having passion within you and your life.  Breathe in this crystalline energy of passion.  Feel how it motivates you; feel how it gives you strength.  Feel how it gives you ideas and potentials for your life.

The next energy that I would like you to work with is compassion.  Breathe compassion into your self and let it move through your consciousness.  You've allowed happiness; you've allowed passion to create a space within you that's aligned with change.  As compassion moves into that space it fills it up and overflows into the rest of your life.  Allow compassion to move through every one of your energy bodies, allow it to move through you as the person you are.  Allow compassion to become so much a part of you that as you look at your day, you look with clear vision of new potentials. 

Indeed everything that's been a part of your life is still there.  Indeed you have your responsibilities, perhaps your stress, perhaps your anxieties.  From this space of the All That Is, allow compassion to fill up all those little nooks and crannies within you that have previously been filled with fear, anxiety, frustration or perhaps anger.  And as compassion takes the place of those other emotions within you, look at how you are now able to discern more information, perhaps more answers, perhaps more ideas about how you can live your life. 

I know that you seek to live your life in such a way that you manifest everything instantly, that you have everything your heart desires, and that everything within and around you is a reflection of joy.  As you are here in the All That Is, that is your life if you so choose.  When you are in your divinity, you manifest instantaneously, you have all that you seek to have, so the difference arises when you seek to shift all of this into the earth plane. 

The earth plane with its magnetic pull, the earth plane with the collective consciousness of the diversity of billions of people.  The earth plane with free will that allows every one of those billions of people to think, say, do whatever it is they seek irregardless of anyone else. 

Now there are layers upon layers of that which is common to so many of you.  The collective consciousness is shifting as each individual person transitions in their own life.  In some regards, you may have the ability to manifest things instantaneously upon the earth.  You are driving along, you think I want a parking space in a particular place - and there it is.  You are seeking to have something pretty that makes you feel good within your life and you look around and there it is.  And then we get to those things that you seek to manifest, perhaps such as a relationship, a particular job, increased abundance or flow of abundance, perhaps to lose weight, perhaps to have children.  I could go on and on and on.

Suddenly when you consider that instant manifestation it no longer feels possible.  It feels like there's a tightening up of the emotions or the energies around you.  And it is because you care much more deeply about these manifestations than you do about whether or not you get the first parking space or you find something pretty to have in your life.  But these big things can be manifested with ease.  They can be manifested in such a way that you enjoy the process of bringing them into your life. 

Whenever you find yourself considering what you seek to manifest, ask first and foremost what energies are around this that you seek to manifest.  If there's anything such as desperation, anxiety, fear, lack, that is a part of what keeps it at a distance from you.  Because those are all energies or emotions that are your ego telling you ‘I can't do this, it's not gonna happen.'  So let those energies go; be loving, be gentle, be nurturing to yourself.  Fill yourself up with compassion.  And then come back around to what you seek to have in your life. 

And as you fill that space with compassion, this is compassion for you; perhaps compassion for your partner, your family, for other people.  Fill up with compassion; fill yourself up with the unconditional love and acceptance of your divinity and then put forth what you seek to manifest with that pure essence of awareness or acceptance or belief, howsoever you want to consider it.  Know that it is yours.  Open and feel it come to you instantaneously.  It is there; it is right around you.  It may at this moment be in the non-physical.  It may at this moment be in a different dimension, but it is there.  It is with you.  So believe that.  Allow that in to your reality.

And then once more consider how much this manifestation is going to enhance your life.  How much stronger you will be how much joy it will bring to you; whatever it is that you seek to have or the reasons behind it.  Focus and believe and then feel the compassion in between that clears the way and allows this to come to you.  I so often hear you when you ask me, ‘when, when, when is this going to happen'?  And if I could give you the date and time and then that would be your reality it would be exquisite.

There are more things than I can describe or that you may even be aware that come into play, but I encourage you to always feel compassion for yourself, for your journey, and for anything that you seek to have.  So that from that space of compassion if it takes longer than anticipated, you are letting yourself fill up with that love, with happiness that you are where you are right now; contentment perhaps. 

Sometimes I hear you tell me that if you become content then that means you no longer want what you want.  That is not the case. Contentment is an energy that helps to release barriers so that you may be more fully present in the moment.  So saying all of that, where are you right in this moment?  Where are you in your life?  Are you fully present in your own life?  Are you able to believe in yourself that you can and will and that you already do manifest what you seek to have?  Allow. Allow this to be your truth; allow it to be your reality.

I now invite all of you to come back together as a group.  As a group have a sense of creating a gathering or a loose circle.  Coming up within the center of that circle you perceive a hologram of the earth.  If you look closely you may also perceive the hologram of the new earth and all those levels of the crystalline grid that blend the two into alignment. 

As this hologram comes up it rotates.  I ask you to look with your inner eyes and I ask for the collective consciousness of the earth as it is right now to become known to you in a way you may be able to discern as you look at this hologram.  And as you are doing this, begin to flow that essence of compassion into the hologram.  But I also invite you to flow all that you seek to manifest; that intention, that awareness, whatever it is that you want.  Send it into this hologram. 

Look again at the collective consciousness.  By all of you sending a flow of compassion and light and energy into the hologram, the collective consciousness takes on a greater lightness.  It releases some of the heaviness that is a part of it at this time.  So too your intentions of what you seek to manifest go out and mingle with these energies, finding alignment in such a way that it will come back to you.

The hologram becomes illuminated; it is filled with light, it is sparkling.  It continues to spin or rotate in such a way that you discern the various aspects that may perhaps represent where you live upon the earth. 

And we release this hologram.  As it shifts down you may have a sense that there's an aspect that shifts outward, aligning with the new earth and creating an alignment within the crystalline grid of all that you are seeking to have and of all these energies that you infused. 

So too the hologram of the earth itself moves down; it moves through the magnetic grid sending forth an aspect of this energy.  It moves until it moves into the physical earth itself; it goes through that crust on top of the earth.  The hologram continues down until it merges deep within your physical earth.  And there the crystals that have become activated merge and create an alignment with all that you put into this hologram.

There is a wave of energy that emanates out from those crystals, from the center of the earth.  It moves through the earth itself.  It comes up through the waters, the trees, the rocks.  It comes up through your floor; it comes up into you.  It comes up and mingles with the actual collective consciousness that surrounds the earth and there is a subtle adjustment that takes place. 

As you have a sense of looking downward or looking inward you may see yourself as you are in your place upon the earth.  Look from this perspective; see the shortest way or distance between you and whatever it is you seek to have.  Release that perception.  You've set it up; you are open to receive.

Allow that it is in place.  Let your consciousness shift in such a way that you release the others who are a part of this group.  There is a sense of excitement or a sense of anticipation within you as your consciousness begins to return more fully into you the human or into your life.  Allow that flow to continue.  Let your consciousness release the All That Is.  You may stop momentarily within the soul plane.  There is much of your divinity that is unable to come back with you into the vibration in which you live.  But it is still there; it is always available to you.

Allow your focus to shift in such a way that you move into the crystalline grid.  Feel how so much of your consciousness is as if it's been activated by this experience.  There is a greater alignment within you to the crystalline grid.  That is a part of your daily life.  Let your focus shift once more.  You may have a sense of coming down, moving through the magnetic grid.  You may pause to take in how the space of your higher self has shifted but you continue down.  You continue down until your consciousness merges completely with you in yourphysical body

As you allow your consciousness to come back within this space, feel your head, shoulders, arms, your legs, your torso; feel yourself and know that it is glorious to be in this person that is you.  Remember those potentials; remember what it is to feel compassion for yourself and your life.  Remember what it is to feel happy.

As you perhaps once more affirm what you seek to have in this life, do so in this moment from that space of being completely full of your divinity, of your love, of your essence.  Breathe it all the way down; let it be a part of your physical body and your physical reality.  Send it outward through your home, perhaps into the job or into your relationships.  And fill yourself, any empty spaces, with compassion.  Fill everything with a sense of awareness, of openness, to draw back to you all that you seek to have. Feel at peace.  Feel content. 

All right everybody, I thank you for this opportunity to share some time with you. As always it is such a joy and such a pleasure to be in this space of creating.  Remember who you are as your divinity.  Remember as you move through your daily life that you are the physical incarnation of your divine essence.  

You are complete; you are whole.  So as you seek to manifest in your life do so from that space of being complete within yourself.  Allow compassion to clear the way so that you can more fully manifest within your life all that you seek to have. 

I am ever with you and within.


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month.  All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact.  For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website: www.goddesslight.net

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