Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sexual Freedom: Time for Uplifting Sex, by Ambika Wauters.

These could be great sexual times. Time to feel alive in our bodies, vital in our energy and free in our self expression. We are at a pivotal point in human development where human sexual activity can be open and fun.

The strict limitations which confined sex only to marriage or permanent relationships is changing. This is an important time to consider rekindling the warmth, love and heart of sexuality. Time to take sex out of the brothel and away from sneaky interludes.

We are living in a time of acute tension in our daily life. We need sex now more now than ever to help discharge tension; free up and discharge mental, emotional and even physical toxicity. Sex keeps us vital, youthful and puts a lilt in our step. We have some choices to make about what is acceptable to us, what we want and who we want to enjoy it with.

Sex needs to be free and flowing. It also wants firm boundaries that keep us safe and healthy. It must be safe above all, both physically and emotionally, for us to feel free to let go and be as sexual as we dare. It must be consensual, with honored agreements to respect the wishes of our partner. It absolutely must be desired by both partners to be fun.

Get the ground rules of your life in place. Know your limits, know yourself!!! We all have a need for sexual expression. If we give ourselves permission it can be uplifting and support our lives in healthy ways. Time to choose love, choose pleasure and balance in our striving.
We are now free to enjoy sex alone without shame, with committed partners or with a variety of different people, if we choose. We are free to say we want one partner or many. Whatever we say is alright, as long as the free choice is ours. There are no right or wrongs except what we allow to limit or define our sexual boundaries.

The moral hazard of being covert, dishonest, cheating in spite of commitment should be carefully considered. This is not about sex as much as it is about being naughty or perpetrating hurt on someone who we think controls our lives. That’s not sex. It’s immaturity.

People who are hurtful through indiscrete sexual exploitation create mistrust that leaves an indelible scar on the spirit. It can take a woman a life time of daily forgiveness to deal with a man who has cheated on her. Men can lose all sense of their worth when a woman goes with another man. The human spirit is powerful. It is also delicate and, often, fragile, lest we forget.

On the other hand, if no agreement exists between people and each is free to explore sexual opportunities, as they wish, less hurt is likely to happen. Freedom can exist inside relationship and marriage as well as outside. It takes mature people to allow freedom in their relationship. The boundaries must be agreed upon before hand so no one is hurt or left wanting. Freedom comes with the responsibility to handle it wisely and do no harm. Few are capable of that level of freedom but it is possible. Polyamorie and the books of Taj Anapol are wonderful resources for those seeking more information about multiple partners.

If there is no commitment or bond holding two people to monogamy then each is free to choose how they want to portion out their sexual activity. Look carefully in the field and see if there is anyone that attracts you, or appeals to you who holds the promise of delivering pleasure. You may be surprised to spend a day at the mall or on a long train ride surmising who would be a fun sexual partner. It sure makes the time pass quickly.

Real sexual freedom suggests we are each responsible for our own sex lives. That means the quality of our experience, whom we share our deepest and most intimate sexual fantasies with, are in our charge. If we want it dirty, naughty or punishing we may want to look at what drives these desires to be diminished or punished.

If we are jealous, insecure or afraid we may want to look at what is under our need to manipulate another to change his or her life for us. That is how children look at life. It isn’t healthy and it isn’t mature. Growing up means we are able to handle the emotions that accompany sex. It would be silly to think there is no emotional upheaval with sex. There is. Nothing will bring up emotions faster and with more urgency then sex.

How we handle our feelings is the key. No victims and no martyrs wanted in this arena. Mature sex, free or not, asks us to find our empowerment at every level. It asks us to live in our integrity, do the right and loving thing with those we truly care about and look at what sex brings up. In some cases we may need to look at our bitterness, anger, sense of abandonment or disappointment. We are capable of healing all these residual emotions long left unconscious. Till sex forced them to the surface of consciousness like an erupting volcano.

Healthy sexuality between consenting adults can be fun. It can be erotic, enjoyable, deeply releasing and healing. It’s a joy to participate in sex with yourself, your friends or your beloved when there is no stake in holding a person to your vision of how they should be or what they have to do afterwards to prove you are alright or that they love you.

Let’s take sex out of the dark ages and give it a new face. Let’s make it open to exploration, free from guilt, shame or punishment. And let’s keep it honest so we don’t abuse or hurt people we love. Telling the truth about what we want is a creative act of kindness to ourselves. Creativity can be a story, it can be a painting or a little play acting out what we want. Let’s start making sex fun. It can be a new form of erotic pleasure.

Sex still has some dark overtones. Nothing has more drama or emotional charge attached to it than sex; especially illicit sex, or forbidden sex. We still want to kill people who betray and cheat on us. We get crazy when our partner wants sex with someone else. We punish and diminish ourselves when we feel we are not enough to please someone we love. Are we no more evolved than this? Do we love ourselves less for what someone has done out of their own insecurity?
What a waste of time and emotional energy to lie, cheat and be naughty. Let’s bring desire into a safe haven and let it find wholesome expression. If we were able to say sex is an expression of our creative mind, the drive of our hormones and the love in our heart to connect with someone why would we punish ourselves or hurt another for this.

Finding wholesome boundaries around sexual conduct protects us. It helps us enjoy ourselves through the natural, wholesome expression of pleasure. Pleasure is the foundation of life and fundamental to enjoying good sex. Without it as the underpinning of our physical life we dry up and our spirit shrivels, not to mention certain body parts.

If sexuality is not for you then let’s discuss some of the things that can help rekindle your vitality, stimulate sexuality in wholesome, healthy ways. This can help you establish pleasure as one of the primary foundations of your life.

It’s time to explore pleasure and sex as a basis for living well. Yes, pleasure and sexuality are both linked to healthy longevity. Through sexuality we find a good release for pent up physical and emotional energy, either partnered or through masturbation. Through sex we arouse the primary life force that drives us forward through the challenges and obstacles in front of us each day.
A natural and pleasurable sexual release can sustain us during a long work day, allow us to help others with their problems without feeling drained and help us manage stress that would otherwise take us to our knees. Sex completes the circle of giving.

Pleasure comes in many forms, but it primarily is a sensual function that involves awakening our nerve receptors to joy, delight and even bliss. It helps us know we are alright, amidst trial, challenge and the daily plodding through we all face from time to time. It feeds us at a fundamental level where we absolutely know life is good and so are we.

Read the original post, here.

Ambika Wauters CCH, RS.HOM(NA) is the director of the Institute of Life Energy Medicine. She is a classically trained homeopath, certified by the Council of Homeopathic Certification, and a member of the Society of Homeopaths, formerly in the UK and currently in the USA. She received her diploma in homeopathic medicine from The School of Homeopathic Medicine, North Yorkshire, Britain, and was a member of the Society of Homeopaths in the UK, from 1995-1998 before returning to America. Ambika has worked in the corporate sector offering homeopathy and holistic healing consultations to the John Lewis Partnership, Visa International, Piatkus Publishing and Cranfield School of Business Management, all in the UK. She currently maintains a private practice in classical homeopathy with people around the globe.  Ambika is author of twenty books on chakras, homeopathy, and the realm of angels. Her work is translated into over ten languages. She is currently writing about healing martyrdom and finding fulfillment in freedom, creativity and sexuality. Ambika is the inventor of Pure Fulfillment Feminine Lubricant. This product provides natural solutions to diminished libido in women. It is made from natural herbal compounds in a homeopathic base. Pure Fulfillment can be purchased on her web site and found online at Ambika‘s work supports total regeneration. She works with products developed by Stem Cell Products, LLC, that enhance beauty, give energy and promote vitality. These products include Signals, for beautiful skin, ModeraXL, a neuro-transmittor used to stop addictions and feed the depleted brain, and Trigger, a non sugar, non-caffeinated energy drink that gives physical strength and fortitude.

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